Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There is no question too big or too small – our team are here to help.

How much does Kite cost and can I use NDIS funding?

Our support is designed to be significantly more affordable than traditional therapy models. Our service includes weekly coaching sessions with an expert therapist via telehealth, and access to your weekly therapy plan on the Kite platform.

Kite can be used with NDIS funding — either plan or self managed. Alternatively, if you are not able to access NDIS funding you may self fund.

Reach out to our team at if you would like to discuss therapy and funding options for your family.

Do I get a dedicated therapy coach?

Yes! The first step we take is to pair you with an experienced coach. Your coach will meet with your family over video call weekly. They'll get to know you and your family so that the therapy can be tailored to your needs. Each week they will develop a custom therapy plan for your child, and teach you how to do the activities at home with perfect technique.

What are the benefits of caregiver-led play therapy at home?

At Kite, we partner with parents to coach them how to embed therapy at home. After all, no one knows your child as well as you do — they trust you and spend most of their time with you. Plus, children feel most supported and safe when they are with their parents, which is important for their ability to learn.

And it's not just our belief! The effectiveness of parent led therapy at home has been evidenced by decades of clinical research and numerous Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT). These studies shows parent led therapy, also known as parent-implemented interventions (PIIs) results in strong outcomes for both children and their parents.

If you would like to better understand the effectiveness of parent led therapy and to decide if it is right for you, reach out to our team at

What is Kite's therapy approach and is it evidence-based?

Our therapy approach is play based, child led and family centred. The Kite approach draws on decades of groundbreaking clinical research from the worlds best behavioural and parent led therapy models to bring practical and effective therapy into your home. These include Dawson et al (2010), Dawson et al (2012), and Estes et al (2015). Our model is inspired by the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), and draws on other fields of developmental and wellbeing science.

Reach out to our team at to discuss if our therapy model is right for your child.

Why are the benefits of starting therapy rather than waiting?

Over 90% of your child's brain architecture is formed by age 5. Starting therapy during these early childhood years is critical to supporting children to reach their full language, social and cognitive skill potential.If you think your child might have autism, but are waiting for a diagnosis, Kite can be a great way to start to support your child's developmental delay while you wait for a diagnosis.

Who is Kite for?

Kite is designed for families with autistic children aged 1-7 years old, either pre- or post-diagnoses. So perhaps your child has a developmental delay, but no autism diagnoses. We support families stuck on waitlists as well as families with an existing team of allied health therapists looking to compliment their care at home.To use Kite, all you need is an internet connection! You don't need to purchase any additional toys and materials.

Can I use Kite to supplement my other therapies?

Yes. Perhaps you have an existing team of exceptional allied health therapists, and are looking to extend your therapy in the home. We can engage with your existing care providers to collaboratively ensure your child is working towards cohesive goals!

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Reach out to our friendly team at who will be happy to help!

We have availability!

Book a free consult with a Kite therapist today. For children aged 1-7. We accept NDIS funding and private paying clients.